There’s space for you in the mobile app world and it could be the very thing that makes the difference in helping you reach the breakthrough point in your business.
What a perfect “star-alignment” for you and us,
whose superpower is thinking outside the box!
We have excelled in many messaging applications, but we equally enjoy working on all other types of native Android and iOS apps.

Big focus on UX/UI design

translated into simple, intuitive apps

with outstanding user experience

User-centered process

hat takes into consideration your target

market’s needs and expectations

Continuous learning

and taking on new challeng- es; the phrase:

“It cannot be done” is not in our vocabulary!

Designated project manager

for each project, taking care that everyone is on “the same page” and on track with their deliverables

Agile software development

ensuring lean and rapid deployment

of your customized solutions

Objective-C and Swift

programming for iOS

Take your pick:

  • UX/UI design
  • App development
  • End-to-end service
  • QA service

Our Contacts

Boldraf SRL
Address: Via Tirone 11, Roma, 00146, Italy
Partita IVA: 04347371009